exercise programme

Exercise Programme Design

Summer is here (apparently) so more and more people are hitting the gym in a last ditch attempt to get the six pack out. And it’s great to have more people interested in exercise but…this means there are lot more people doing wrong, less than optimum or downright ridiculous exercises. Not everyone can afford regular[…]


Continuing Professional Development

Continuing professional development is on my priority list. Staying up to date is of vital importance in the fitness industry. New scientific discoveries are always being made, changing what we thought we knew about the human body and new technologies offer new ways to exercise. The industry is also poorly regulate.This means that a lot[…]

Time to get ready for Summer

Yes, you could wait until June and then hit the gym 6 times a week and eat like a monk, making your self depressed, feeling guilty for any treats and struggling to cope when you are out socialising. And then probably not getting the beach body you were hoping for. There is another way. Start[…]

Recommended Supplements

There are hundreds if not thousands of supplements available these days. And if you eat a balanced, healthy diet you probably don’t need most of them. However, it is very difficult to get everything you need from food. For example, magnesium is depleted from soil due to current agricultural practises, or if you are weight[…]

get fit

January half way – get fit tips

So we’re halfway through January already. How are the new year resolutions to get fit going? Most people have already given in to the no alcohol/chocolate/pizza resolutions and not many will have worked out everyday as planned. But what did you expect? No one can sustain a 100% effort for very long. It’s impossible. But[…]


England National Team Coach

After many years as a competitor in the England Taekwon-Do team Luke has retired from competition and has now been selected as one of the national team’s coaches. “It is a real honour and I am looking forward to helpingĀ the best athletes in the country work towards the European Championships in Finland later in the[…]