
Recommended reading

This month I have read quite a bit (research, books, articles etc) and here is a short list of the ones that I think can really help you. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss – this is a catalogue of the authors interviews with some of the most successful people on the planet. I really[…]

gym programme

New Year Gym Programme

January is a popular time for lots of people to start going to the gym. But most fail to keep up the good work within 2 weeks. This is often due to a lack of a planned approach to attacking their goals and a new year gym programme. There are a lot of things to[…]

Xmas tips

Eating too much at Christmas is a given. Yes, in an ideal world everyone would load up on veggies, enjoy some good quality protein, have a little potato and skip the pudding. But in reality most people see this time of the year as a treat and I include myself in this. So here are[…]


Exercise and Depression

It has been well documented that physical exercise can help with mild-moderate forms of depression. Doctors can prescribe exercise but it seems far easier and more common for them to prescribe anti-depressants. Yet there is a growing body of evidence on the benefits of exercise (not just to mental health but to your general wellbeing!). Structured[…]