
Great blog on Kettlebell Exercises

I just came across this great resource for 111 kettlebell exercises. There is so much rubbish on the internet it is nice to see an informed and educational post about how to do certain exercises. Two things stand out about this resource: difficulty – there are exercises for all levels and many progressions/regressions videos showing[…]


The Turkish Get Up for everything

The Turkish Get Up (TKGU) is one of the best yet most under-used exercise you can find in the gym. This is largely down to the complex, technical nature of the movement. It is a great tool for injury prevention, warm up, strength gains, conditioning,  fat loss, movement development and screening. At Actuate Personal Training we[…]


Recommended reading

This month I have read quite a bit (research, books, articles etc) and here is a short list of the ones that I think can really help you. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss – this is a catalogue of the authors interviews with some of the most successful people on the planet. I really[…]


Exercise and Depression

It has been well documented that physical exercise can help with mild-moderate forms of depression. Doctors can prescribe exercise but it seems far easier and more common for them to prescribe anti-depressants. Yet there is a growing body of evidence on the benefits of exercise (not just to mental health but to your general wellbeing!). Structured[…]

exercise programme

Exercise Programme Design

Summer is here (apparently) so more and more people are hitting the gym in a last ditch attempt to get the six pack out. And it’s great to have more people interested in exercise but…this means there are lot more people doing wrong, less than optimum or downright ridiculous exercises. Not everyone can afford regular[…]