More than just a warm up

During this cold weather phase it seems apt to talk about warming up. I think it is generally accepted that a warm up is to prepare the body for the main activity or exercise that is about to start. So why do countless gym bunnies jump on the treadmill […]

Merry Christmas

So it’s Xmas time and we all know that means lots of food, drink and sitting around. I’m not going to preach to you about not eating too much because I know that you are going to anyway (me included). […]

Early morning rant…the Dukan diet

Perhaps it’s because I have been up since 4am today but I found one article on the BBC news particularly irksome. The article was about the current fad called the Dukan diet. It’s not that this diet is worse than any other, I get very annoyed at the term ‘diet’ in general and especially at these fad diets that are not sustainable in the long run. […]

All About Interval Training

Hi and welcome to my first blog post. Today I am talking about interval training and why it’s much better for fat loss than going for a long, slow run. 

Firstly lets get a few definitions out of the way. Interval training (also referred to as HIIT) consists of bouts of exercise at a high intensity mixed with bouts of a lower intensity or […]

New blog!

This blog page will be for the musings of a personal trainer. Sometimes I will investigate scientific principles applied to fat loss methods, sometimes I will look at different protocols for working out, sometimes I will comment on current fitness trends and sometimes, just sometimes I will have a moan about some poorly reported health[…]