New kids Taekwon-Do class
After half term, there will be a 2nd kids class on. This will be on Monday’s at the Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre on St John’s Road. Class will start at 5.30pm and run to 6.30pm. […]
After half term, there will be a 2nd kids class on. This will be on Monday’s at the Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre on St John’s Road. Class will start at 5.30pm and run to 6.30pm. […]
I know that this blog is about health and fitness but we just did our first Tunbridge Wells Taekwon-Do grading and the Tigers were so amazing that I wanted to post it here. […]
Why wait until January to start losing weight? You are likely to gain a few pounds over the festive period so why not start now? You could lose a few pounds before everyone else has even started on their New Years health kick. […]
Perhaps it’s because I have been up since 4am today but I found one article on the BBC news particularly irksome. The article was about the current fad called the Dukan diet. It’s not that this diet is worse than any other, I get very annoyed at the term ‘diet’ in general and especially at these fad diets that are not sustainable in the long run. […]
Firstly lets get a few definitions out of the way. Interval training (also referred to as HIIT) consists of bouts of exercise at a high intensity mixed with bouts of a lower intensity or […]
This blog page will be for the musings of a personal trainer. Sometimes I will investigate scientific principles applied to fat loss methods, sometimes I will look at different protocols for working out, sometimes I will comment on current fitness trends and sometimes, just sometimes I will have a moan about some poorly reported health[…]