Actuate PT is all about getting you to reach your goal. The initial consultation is focused on goal setting and designing a programme that is centred on getting you to succeed.  

If you have been competing for a few years and just not progressed, or keep trying to lose some body fat but can’t stick with the diet and gym programme, Actuate can help. By examining behavioural change models and seeing where you fit in, Actuate can design the programme that will work for you and keep you motivated as you progress towards your goal.

The philosophy at Actuate PT is about using a holistic approach. You are far more likely to achieve your goals by developing your exercise and diet together than just eating protein or doing 30 minutes of cardio at the gym every day.

Luke will work with you to develop a food plan and a specific, bespoke exercise routine that fits in with your lifestyle. The food plan will be based on a balanced approach, making sure you get the right nutritional balance whilst not excluding some of those luxuries that we all crave (but keeping them in moderation!).

The exercise routine will be based on scientific principles; training in targeted heart rate zones, raising your metabolic rate or developing those type 2 muscle fibres. Exercises will be functional and specific to your sport or activity level, incorporating the relevant technology or body weight drills. Luke can help you with your

  • Muscle endurance, hypertrophy or strength training using advanced weight lifting techniques,
  • Burning fat with circuits, kettle bells and cardio exercises,
  • Developing flexibility using, static, dynamic and PNF techniques,
  • Working on your cardio vascular fitness with fartlek, interval or long slow distance (LSD) training or
  • Correcting postural problems and injuries with specific isolation and compound exercises.

And if you can’t stand the gym or need to work out at 6am Actuate is flexible and adaptable. Equipment such as kettle bells, resistance bands, medicine balls and punching mitts will be supplied at a local park or at your home. 


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Bethany Shaw on her first triathlon